Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journey sketch

Photoshop sketch of a plains landscape. I know: it sucks. I planned it to be part of a piece for Illustration Friday. The topic is "journey".

I'm tempted to just give up on it. I won't though. It's been so long since I saw an idea to completion that it's really no wonder that I can't produce anything decent. But the only way to fix that is to keep working through all the throwaways and learning from my mistakes, right? So I'll finish it.

I apologize in advance to your eyes.


  1. Hey guy! It's good to see updates! Keep going at the piece and don't be so hard on yourself.
    A quick tip .. I see you are using a very pastel-ish palate and that might be the look you are going for... but! Something you want to consider in your color use is the value and value patterns in the painting. Try starting out with a gray scale drawing and then place color on top of it.

  2. Thanks! I've been having trouble picking colors that have both the value and the hue I'm looking for. I'll try your suggestion.
